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 Meet  The Team


Roddy O'Kane


Roddy completed his undergraduate medical training at University of Glasgow. He undertook basic surgical training in the West of Scotland and completed his higher neurosurgical training at Leeds General Hospital. Roddy completed a fellowship in paediatric neurosurgery at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.

His major interests are in paediatric neurosurgery, neuro-oncology, awake craniotomy, hydrocephalus, neuroendoscopy, neuro-traumatology, and epilepsy surgery.

He has published, lectured and presented both nationally and internationally in his fields of interests.  


Meharpal Sangra


Meharpal (Raju) completed his undergraduate medical training at the University of Edinburgh. He undertook his basic surgical training in East of Scotland before moving to complete his higher surgical training in the Institute of Neurological Sciences, in Glasgow. He undertook sub-specialist training in both Paediatric neurosurgery and Craniofacial surgery in Alder Hey Children's Hospital, Liverpool.

As well as a Paediatric neurosurgical specialist he is the joint acting lead for the National Craniofacial Service for Scotland. 


Emer Campbell

Consultant & Clinical Lead

Emer studied at University of Edinburgh, graduating in 1999 and completed basic surgical training in the south east of Scotland. After a year working as a neurosurgical registrar in Dunedin, New Zealand, she returned to the UK to begin higher surgical training in neurosurgery at the (then) Southern General Hospital, in Glasgow.

Emer has completed fellowships in the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne and the Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

She is an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Glasgow.


Emer is the clinical lead for the department, and established the department’s morbidity surveillance programme. She has a BSc(Hons) in Mathematics and Statistics and manages  the department’s audit system. Her research interests include patient safety and outcome measurements and she has presented her work at national and international meetings.


Emer is a keen runner and competes at regional and national level.


Anthony Amato-Watkins


Anthony was appointed a consultant paediatric and adult neurosurgeon in 2017 at The Royal Hospital for Children and Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow.

Anthony's surgical career began in Glasgow as a Basic Surgical Trainee in the West of Scotland Programme. Having completed neurosurgery residency in Cardiff, he then undertook specialist training fellowships in Paediatric Neurosurgery in Dallas, Texas and Glasgow, as well as Complex Spinal Surgery fellowship in Liverpool. Anthony has clinical interests in paediatric neurosurgery, neuro-oncology, hydrocephalus, neuroendoscopy, spinal disorders, trauma (cranial and spinal), cranio-cervical junction anomalies, tone management surgery (including selective dorsal rhizotomy - SDR) and spinal dysraphism.

At present Anthony is the Chair for the Paediatric Advisory Group for paediatric neurosurgery in Scotland working with numerous stakeholders involved in delivering neurosurgical services for children in Scotland. 

Anthony helps provide the national service for Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy surgery and is one of a group of neurosurgeons providing surgical expertise at the Queen Elizabeth National Spinal Injuries Unit for patients suffering spinal cord injuries. 


Lorraine Todd

Advanced Nurse Practitioner 

Lorraine has worked within paediatric neurosurgery since 1994. She started as a staff nurse and is now employed as the Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Paediatric Neurosurgery at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow. 

Lorraine has also completed a BSc and a MSc in advanced practice 

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